News and Resources
Spreading the spell of ‘practice change’ through farm advisors
The Aik Saath Dairy Beef project has partnered with advisors such as Sajida, from the Lodhran Pilot…
Breaking the glass ceiling: strengthening women in dairy farming to improve livelihoods
Sometimes, attending extension meetings can foster a new occupation. Gull Bano said “When I started…
Developing competitive and inclusive value chains of pulses in Pakistan - project outline
These few slides from Aik Saath Annual Meeting illustrate the objectives and overall strategy of the…
Zero-till research on Eastern Gangetic Plain (EGP)
Since 2012, a CA research consortium, with support from ACIAR and DFAT, have been working together w…
Farmers respond to Smart Farming Gadgets
This poster summarises a survey of 142 participating farmers in three provinces. This is an importan…
Nurturing Irrigation VIA Technology
This poster summarises the “downside up” approach, working alongside farmers to introduce appropriat…
Community engagement Scales and Sustains better Irrigation
This project researched extension methods for better irrigation. Partners SOFT (Society of Facilitat…
Promoting vegetable nurseries as small-scale enterprises
SVVCP production team (Punjab) has developed a growing media from locally available substrates (coco…
Women empowerment and leadership skill development
The SVVCP project provided the women of Loung Khan Soomro the opportunity to learn to produce new pr…
Efficiencies found on-farm and in marketing
The project has mapped and analysed beef value chains to identify opportunities and constraints for…